Fenwick's visit their Sderot projects after May attacks

After a meaningful visit to Sderot, and a dedication ceremony to honour their generous contributions to two resilience-building projects in Sderot, Susan Fenwick shared what the visit meant for them:

"We read about the Builders Circle and really liked the idea that we could choose a project that resonated with us. We looked through the list, and after reading about several that intrigued us, we selected The Resilience Centre in Sderot. Learning that Sderot is only 2 km from the border with Gaza, and that 80% of the children who live there suffer from PTSD, because the city experiences rocket and mortar attacks on a regular basis, was a key factor in our decision.

In the spring of 2022, we had the honour of hosting Alon Davidi, Mayor of Sderot, for breakfast at our home. He gave us an update on what was happening and told us that they had begun construction on a new building that would house The Helmsley Medical Centre. We looked at each other and without saying a word, knew immediately that this was another project that we wanted to support.

This past May 2023, we were participants on the JNF Mission to UAE and Israel. When we departed, our visit to Sderot was not yet confirmed because of the constant rocket barrage and the inability for a ceasefire to hold. Luckily, it was on the last day of our trip and we were allowed to go to visit. The residents were so happy to see us and we were even more excited to see them and have the opportunity to spend time together. Little did we know when we said good-bye, what would occur 5 months later. Even though our hearts are heavy, we are filled with a deep sense of pride, knowing that what we do is really making a difference in the lives of others.

Am Yisrael Chai."

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